Categories: Healthcare Marketing

6 Tips to Personalize Your Physical Therapy Marketing Message

Whether you are a physiatrist or a physical therapist, you need to adopt a smart marketing strategy to retain your existing customers and acquire new ones. Since you have a plethora of patients ranging from toddlers to 80-year-olds, you need to design and deliver personalized marketing messages. This will strengthen your connection with every individual and grow your business.

Here are some ways that will help you personalize your marketing message.

Email Campaign

To personalize your email marketing message, keep in mind these 4 points before you launch your next mailer campaign.

  • Gender-specific

If you are launching a health program for women, uncheck the email IDs of all the males on the list before launching the mail. This gender-centric segmentation will help you reduce the number of unsubscribes.

  • Age-specific

In case you have programs and services organized for baby boomers or the elderly that cater specifically to their diet and health needs, keep them separate from messages that are to be sent to the rest of your patients.

  • Family-focused

When launching awareness email campaigns or giving out health tips, target the family of the reader. This will initiate a reader’s family bonding with you. And next time, the reader will bring his family members to you for the treatment of their health issues.

  • Subject line

Choosing a smart subject line for your email is crucial to personalizing your physical therapy marketing message. Always use an eye-catching, purpose-focused subject line. This will attract the attention of the target audience it is meant for.

Analysis of Service

Do the analysis of the treatment/services you provide to your patients and work to improve the programs and messaging related to each particular service. For instance, if you have a large number of baby boomers or elderly patients who suffer from back pain or if your locality has people with sciatica pain, develop a program with a personalized marketing message on how to deal with back pain. Next, you can also advertise or conduct relief programs on the joint pain that target new consumers who are in a direct relationship with your patients.

Multichannel Marketing

Just like different medicines cure different diseases, different marketing channels attract different sets of audience. Multichannel marketing can be performed through mobile phones, TV ads, posters, newspaper articles, etc. Select the type of marketing channel judiciously. For the elderly, TV ads and newspaper or magazine articles are the preferred modes to personalize the message; whereas, for the GenZers who are digitally savvy, the choice is obviously mobile phones, websites or social media platforms. Since each marketing channel is specific to a different target audience, it provides the benefit of easy personalization of your message. For instance, a Facebook campaign will help you acquire young population.

Along with audience type, it is important to focus on audience location. For this, get your TV ads launched specifically on a local channel. Similarly, get your articles published in the newspaper of your locality to acquire nearby patients.

Another way to personalize your marketing message is through ads posted on the Internet. Let’s say, an individual is scrolling through some website or his social media page and suddenly finds your service ad related to an illness he or an acquaintance is suffering from, he’ll surely pay attention to your ad and will immediately approach you.

Occasional Wishes

What could be more personalized than greeting your patients on life events or occasions? Birthday or anniversary messages will be a delightful surprise for your patients. This is one of the best ways to forge a personal connection with them. With this act, you will sound considerate about their well-being and strengthen your long-term relationship.

Similarly, posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or ads in a newspaper on occasions such as New Year’s and Christmas, etc. will help you send the personalized marketing message to people other than your existing patients.

Respond to Reviews

Don’t miss the opportunity to promptly respond to reviews posted by your patients on various online patient review sites, social media platforms or YouTube. Since these people took out some time to post reviews on your services, you should acknowledge their effort. Use this opportunity to market your services suitable for that particular reviewer in a personalized manner.

You should leave a reply on both positive and negative reviews. Taking into account the long-term benefit, it will help you acquire the attention of consumers who weren’t aware of your services or hesitated to visit you. Such personalized replies on others’ reviews will help you build a good customer perception.

Post-Treatment Programs

Last but not the least, never ignore your existing patients. These are the ones who do word-of-mouth marketing for you.

Organize seminars and programs for the existing client base. Enhance their knowledge on subjects related to the last services they had. This personalized approach will help you modify your message and reinforce the need of previously opted services.

Such an act of personalization grows the trust of existing patients along with the acquisition of their friends and family.

To sum up, you have to beat the tough competition among physical therapists and make your business grow. Along with excellent service from your practice, you need to personalize your marketing message and build a remarkable reputation for yourself.