Categories: Digital Marketing

Why Does Your Practice Need A Professional Website?

A website is the first thing most people search for while looking for your practice on the Internet. Even if you have a strong online presence on channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Yelp and profiles on physician-rating websites, a professional website is a must to thrive in the competition-driven healthcare market.

Here are a few reasons highlighting the importance of having of having a well-designed responsive website for your practice:

It represents your professional side

Your website gives the first impression of your digital presence. For anyone who lands on it while searching about you over the web or through any social media channel, your website will be a one-stop destination to gather important facts about your practice. It’s very important to update all important details about your experience, medical expertise and major accomplishments along with your practice address, hours and phone numbers as people usually rely on a website more than any other source for information.

It is a great way of always being accessible

Healthcare decision-makers, i.e. the patients, now have endless online options at their fingertips 24/7 to research before making their decisions. If you still don’t have a professional website, you stand at the risk of losing potential patients to other competitors in your area who are maintaining their practice website. Statistics show that Americans are always “on” the Internet and you can cater to the needs of your patients and attract potential patients through a well-designed website. Even if you aren’t available ’round the clock to cater to the questions of potential patients, your website is accessible 24/7/365.

Get found on the search engines

A responsive website is one of the major parameters on which Google ranks your website. A responsive web design will provide them an optimal user experience, irrespective of whether they use a laptop, a desktop computer, any smartphone device or a tablet. Moreover, a well-designed responsive website enhances the user experience, which may cause them to stay on the site for a longer period, reduces the bounce rate and increases the conversion rate. It’s a goal everyone is trying to achieve.

A website provides a better online experience

Digital is now the first stop for healthcare consumers to book an appointment with a physician. Patients seek nothing less than the best – in terms of healthcare services or digital experiences. A professional website providing all details which patients are looking for increases online patient experience.

A website helps you gain online credibility

Your practice will gain credibility by having a website. Your digital image is enhanced and gives the perception that if your practice has a professional website, then it is more likely to use the latest medical technologies. It also gives increased marketability to new patients and shows that you are up with the times.

Stand out in the crowd with your professional practice website. It’s the best way to showcase your achievements and build credibility in the online world.