How can you overcome managed care, reimbursement cuts and rising overhead that continue to eat away at your income? How can you court new referrals to increase your higher-profit pulmonary function test (PFT) patients? And what about sleep? Sleep medicine is booming and smart pulmonologists are adding this profit center to their practice. But how will you compete with the new sleep center opening up down the street?
The answer: online reputation management for pulmonologists. According to ComScore, 90% of new patients trust online reviews more than anything except for direct family member referrals! So the best way to attract more of the new patients you want is with more positive online patient reviews. Let your satisfied current patients help you attract your future patients for all the services you offer.
Is your reputation at risk? Find out now by completing the form at right and requesting your free Online Reputation Assessment, which will include your online reputation score and will cover popular review and rating sites.